New Federal Employee. How does Americorps/VISTA preference work? - How does Americorps/VISTA preference work? Options Previous Topic Next Topic. Welcome to the My AmeriCorps 'Advanced Search' page. AmeriCorps VISTA AmeriCorps VISTA. Team Work Contact Us. AmeriCorps VISTA AmeriCorps. I was a Food Access VISTA member. My work involved confronting food. My advice to those considering AmeriCorps VISTA is to DO.
Tiffany Dale receives a $10,800-per-year allowance at her AmeriCorps job. She was told last week that, despite the government shutdown, she would have to continue working without pay for her nonprofit, which is also on a shoestring budget. Dale, 35, works for a Tennessee organization that gets money from VISTA, a federally funded subset of AmeriCorps aimed at fighting poverty in the U.S. Dale explained to HuffPost that the VISTA program pays members a wage near the poverty line by design, so they are able to gain an understanding of the people they help and how best to serve them. A week ago, Dale received an email (excerpted below) from VISTA director Mary Strasser, telling members they had to continue working through the shutdown: The goals of your service are unchanged and all terms, conditions, and benefits remain in place. You are expected to continue your service and will continue to accrue your living allowance, but you will receive payment of your living allowance retroactively once an appropriations measure has been enacted. Other benefits, such as health coverage and Education Award accrual, remain unaffected. Sony Tc-788-4 Manual more.