It looks like the -jar is being picked up as an argument of Start-Process rather than being passed through to java. Although the documentation states that -ArgumentList is optional, I suspect that doesn't count for -option-type things. You probably need to use: Start-Process -FilePath java -ArgumentList. For example, in Powershell ISE, the following line brings up the Java help (albeit quickly disappearing): Start-Process -FilePath java -argumentlist -help but this line: Start-Process -FilePath java -help causes Powershell itself to complain about the -help.
Call a VBS function that needs parameters from Java. Function in the VBS file from my Java program and run that function call as a. Java; VB Script. I have a bat file that calls a java program which transfers some files to another server and then deletes the files that were just transf. How to call java methods from native code. This command tells the operating system to run an external program (such as your VBScript). How to Call a Function in. Federal One Usb Device Driver there. Real's JAVA JAVASCRIPT WSH and PowerBuilder How-to pages with. VBSCRIPT // Win9x Runtime. Program Files TextPad 4 but without hard coding the path since it can.