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High Cpu Memory Usage Vista Rating: 6,4/10 1272reviews
High Cpu Memory Usage Vista

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I only have one program running and thats Internet Explorer 8. Anyone know why it is so high? How To Install Plugin In Photoshop Cc. Sri Suktam Sanskrit Pdf.

Fixed svchost.exe high memory & CPU usage Problem Fix svchost.exe using high memory on windows 7 Fix Svchost.exe in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 FIX svchost.exe High RAM and CPU usage How to fix svchost.exe using high. How to Fix High CPU Usage. When the Performance Options window shows up, click on the Advanced tab and under Virtual Memory, select Change.

A virus or malware perhaps? I've tried running Spyboy Search & Destroy aswell as Malware Anti-Malware bytes, but no joy. As the CPU is so high, the computer gets very hot with the heatsink (fan) going into overdrive which makes an absulute racket. It doesn't effect the performance much as its a high spec PC but its now getting a tad annoying. I've also noticed that at night time the internet speed goes down considerably, i'm on a 10Mb connection and the last few nights speeds have been like no better than the old 56k days! Someone perhaps using my machine to attack other machines/users. Any help would be grand.

Edit: The list of things I have done but the problem is still the same- Spybot Search & Destroy Avast Anti-Virus Scan Malware Bytes Anti Malware SuperAntiSpyware Ad-aware wouldn't work, getting a 'System Error 1814' My sincere apologies if this is in the wrong section. Thanks alot •.

Two thoughts come to mind. First Install Mozilla Firefox and ONLY use IE when absolutely necessary.

Firefox is much less vulnerable. Also bring up task manager and sort the processes by CPU utilization to see which process is taking up the CPU. On my XP machine I had a process related to my DVD movie player that would utilize 99% of the CPU when I ran certain applications. Program Land Rover Discovery Key on this page. I just disabled this process from starting at boot up and the problem went away and I am still able to use the DVD player software just fine. Maybe you have a similar problem.