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Msiexec Uninstall Eset Rating: 6,4/10 3691reviews
Msiexec Uninstall SilentMsiexec Uninstall

I am attempting to do an uninstall of a piece of software as the first step in a program deployment using Powershell. I have the script as well as the. Socket Program For Echo Ping Talk Commands In C. msi file needed in a package on the server. The script simply checks Win32_software to see if the program exists, and if so runs 'msiexec /uninstall QTAlt-176.msi /qn' to uninstall the software.

Right-click the ESET Remote. Click the Programs tab and edit the Installation program field so that it reads msiexec/iAgent. Edit the Uninstall. Aug 30, 2012 Script to find and uninstall software from group policy. The Nod32 antivirus and then run msiexec using the. The Eset>uninstall and right.

When run locally on the machine, it uninstalls the software fine. When run from PS on the machine with a UNC path to the share on the server, it runs fine. But when trying to run the program I created. It never seems to run correctly. My program command line is: C: WINDOWS system32 windowspowershell v1.0 powershell.exe -noprofile QTAltUninstall.ps1 My question is, in deploying this script, is there anything special I need to consider?

Zambelli Iso Plus 6000. Does it need to be run from the server? Or Downloaded? Any special settings that would be special for executing a powershell script on clients? Thanks everyone. Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks Torsten, I knew I didn't need 'cmd /c', thanks for the suggestion though. I wasn't receiving any errors. It just wasn't running. It appears somehow the script when I created got corrupted and that was the whole problem. It wouldn't sign when I tried to sign it, so something was wrong with it, I re-created it and it works fine now. I have a new issue with it though, I am trying to us 'start-process -wait msiexec.exe /uninstall%path to msi% /qn'.

This is so Powershell will wait until the uninstall of the product finishes before reporting it has finished, and then ConfigMgr moves on. Otherwise it reports being done as soon as the command runs, and ConfigMgr moves onto the next program without the uninstall initiated by PS being complete yet. Apparently start-process doesn't like msiexec with parameters. PS C: quicktime>microsoft.powershell.Management start-process -wait 'msiexec.ex e /uninstall QTAlt-176.msi /qn' Start-Process: This command cannot be executed due to the error: The system ca nnot find the file specified. At line:1 char:46 + microsoft.powershell.Management start-process.

Export the installation package: • Open the ESET Remote Administrator Console (ERAC) by clicking Start → All Programs → ESET → ESET Remote Administrator Console. • Click Tools → Package Manager. ERA 5.2 and earlier: Click the Remote Install tab → Actions → Manage Packages.

Figure 1-1 Click the image to view larger in new window • Select the name of the package you created in part I from the Name drop-down menu and click Save As. Figure 1-2 • Type a name for the installer file into the File name field, select ESET Install Msi File With Configuration (*.msi) from the Type drop-down menu and then click Save. Figure 1-3 • When prompted, click OK. The installer file will now be available in your selected save location. Proceed to part III.

Figure 1-4 III. Deploy the installation package locally on the target client workstation: • Copy the.msi file that you exported in part II onto the client workstation on which you would like to install it.

• Double-click the file to execute the installation. We recommend that you perform a silent install with a suppressed restart (see the switch used in the example below) if you do not want to be prompted during the installation. For example: 'C: Documents and Settings eset Desktop eset_endpoint_security.msi' /qn REBOOT='ReallySuppress'. Additional Switches To suppress a reboot of the machine and display a progress bar that cannot be cancelled during the installation: • msiexec /i 'C: Documents and Settings eset Desktop eset_endpoint_security.msi' /qb! REBOOT='ReallySuppress' If you exported an 'Exe' file instead of a 'Msi file, you can use the following syntax for a completely silent install: • 'C: Documents and Settings eset Desktop eset_endpoint_security.exe' /quiet /norestart If you would like further information regarding additional Command-Line Options, visit the following Microsoft resources: • • •.