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Ted Neward

♥ Book Title: Beyond Java ♣ Name Author: Bruce Tate ∞ Launching: 2005 ◊ Info ISBN Link: 940 ⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: DKebAgAAQBAJ ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Bruce Tate, author of the Jolt Award-winning Better, Faster, Lighter Java has an intriguing notion about the future of Java, and it's causing some agitation among Java developers. Bruce believes Java is abandoning its base, and conditions are ripe for an alternative to emerge.

In Beyond Java, Bruce chronicles the rise of the most successful language of all time, and then lays out, in painstaking detail, the compromises the founders had to make to establish success. Then, he describes the characteristics of likely successors to Java. He builds to a rapid and heady climax, presenting alternative languages and frameworks with productivity and innovation unmatched in Java. He closes with an evaluation of the most popular and important programming languages, and their future role in a world beyond Java. If you are agree with the book's premise--that Java's reign is coming to an end--then this book will help you start to build your skills accordingly. You can download some of the frameworks discussed and learn a few new languages.

This book will teach you what a new language needs to succeed, so when things do change, you'll be more prepared. And even if you think Java is here to stay, you can use the best techniques from frameworks introduced in this book to improve what you're doing in Java today. 'Article Bruce Tate Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Effective C# ♣ Name Author: Bill Wagner ∞ Launching: 2004-12-03 ◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 162 ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: VGnQPbG7vKwC ☯ Full Synopsis: 'C#'s resemblances to C++, Java, and C make it easier to learn, but there's a downside: C# programmers often continue to use older techniques when far better alternatives are available.

In Effective C#, respected.NET expert Bill Wagner identifies fifty ways you can start leveraging the full power of C# in order to write faster, more efficient, and more reliable software. Effective C# follows the format that made Effective C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1998) and Effective Java (Addison-Wesley, 2001) indispensable to hundreds of thousands of developers: clear, practical explanations, expert tips, and plenty of realistic code examples. Drawing on his unsurpassed C# experience, Wagner addresses everything from value types to assemblies, exceptions to reflection. Along the way, he shows exactly how to avoid dozens of common C# performance and reliability pitfalls.

♥ Book Title: More Effective C# ♣ Name Author: Bill Wagner ∞ Launching: 2008-10-01 ◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 631 ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: qzoM-kBzy2YC ☯ Full Synopsis: 'In More Effective C#, Microsoft C# MVP and Regional Director Bill Wagner introduces fifty brand-new ways to write more efficient and more robust software. This all-new book follows the same format as Wagner’s best-selling Effective C# (Addison-Wesley, 2005), providing clear, practical explanations, expert tips, and plenty of realistic code examples. Wagner shows how to make the most of powerful innovations built into Microsoft’s new C# 3.0 and.NET Framework 3.5, as well as advanced C# language capabilities not covered in his previous book. Drawing on his unsurpassed C# experience, the author reveals new best practices for working with LINQ, generics, metaprogramming, and many other features. He also uncovers practices that compromise performance or reliability and shows exactly how to avoid them.