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C Program For Sum Of Squares Of Prime Numbers Rating: 8,7/10 2807reviews

C++ program to find all prime numbers in given max range. Code for sum of prime numbers in c++. C ++ code of sum of prime in given range. Program to find sum of square up to n numbers Posted By: Oscar Evans Category: C Programming Views: 108880 write a program to find sum of square up to n numbers.

C Program For Sum Of Squares Of Prime NumbersGive More Feedback

How can i start the logic for this program is there a formula or do you all know where can i see a similar example, please. Program that uses the while loop to compute and print the sum of a given number of squares. If 5 is Input program will print 55 I'm not asking to do this for me just want. How can i start the logic for this program is there a formula or do you all know where can i see a similar example, please.

Program that uses the while loop to compute and print the sum of a given number of squares. If 5 is Input program will print 55 I'm not asking to do this for me just want Ideas. I'm kind of slow at the beginning of everything but at the end I'll never forget it. Well first you would need to print the question asking the user for input.

Then obtain that input. Convert that input value to a number.

While(condition) // hint it will deal with your input value. Do your adding here. ----Adjust a counter that controls your while loop end loop End Program. EDIT: they way you worded your question confused people answering.

He means the while loop is the purpose of the assignment or example he has been given so dont use the for loop (more complicated and comes later on). His program takes an input integer and then outputs the sumation of squares from 1 to his input value. So in his example of 5. 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2 1 + 4 +9 +16 + 25 55. Actually, 5 squared would be 25, since 5 squared is 5 * 5. Edit Windows Boot Options Vista.

Likewise 4 squared is 16. I'm guessing you mean using a loop to perform the calculation as opposed to the C function 'pow()'. Start with a variable initialized to the input value. Then loop until it has added the original input value to your 'tally' variable the same number of times as the original input.

And there are reasons for using the pow() function. As in the processor can handle these kinds of things with 1 or 2 execution cycles because it's build in. • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG.